proppaNOW in Overland, March 2021
Garden’s gone
Now out from under the paywall… a farewell.
Splendour and the art
COVID stole music festivals, COVID stole the Kurilpa Derby. For me, living in Queensland, COVID has taken much less than it has from most. I am not complaining. But I fervently hope COVID won’t run off with the APT10.
QCC: A 50 year history of Queensland Conservation Council
In 2019, Queensland Conservation Council (QCC) celebrated a milestone — Queensland’s peak environment body turned 50. To commemorate the event, I researched and wrote a (reasonably brief) QCC history. It took a lot of willpower not to let the research take over! Fascinating information is hidden in the hundreds of boxes of documents held at […]
Chrysalis 4101
Local art emerges from Brisbane’s cultural heart Caroline Gardam It’s just passed 9am on a warm Saturday in Brisbane, and already the temperature is nudging 30. At West End’s Hope on Boundary, a popular, earthy social enterprise café, it’s market day. Between a plant stall selling $2 begonias and justice advocates Micah Projects’ sausage sizzle […]
After “Before”
Twenty five years late, I watched the “Before” trilogy (Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight), on consecutive nights during lockdown. Now I yearn for their “After”-story. Roughly the same age as its leads, Céline and Jesse, when Before Sunrise was released (1995), I was not at all interested in it. A wave of hype carried […]
Do your own real research
As I watch people whom I care deeply about flirt with conspiratorial cults, I believe I no longer have the luxury of ignoring ridiculous posts, or writing off those who share them as gullible or worse. Back in March, I wrote an essay on the need to understand how to analyse the source of information […]
Our Inside Voices
I was delighted to be invited to co-edit Our Inside Voices: Reflections on COVID-19 recently. It contains essays, fiction, and poetry from a wide range of Queensland writers. My mate Brad Marsellos, whose amazing locked-down playground pic features on the cover, said he felt calm after reading the stories. Getting back behind the red pen […]
Yoga for homeschoolers
Like many overachievers, I am trying to squeeze as much personal development as possible into my current isolated life. So I’ve developed a fabulous method of combining daily yoga practice with the joy of homeschooling three boys. I will share it with you here.
Nostalgia is the only available travel option
Socially distant. Looking backwards. It’s a story about a bowl.