


Do you ever have that feeling, sitting there, two hands on the steering wheel, that your arms could move, all by themselves, and drive you and your car and whoever is with you off the road, into the ditch, into that car next to you, into the line of oncoming traffic? Do you ever stare […]



There was an older lady and a man sitting on their deck. They were chilling with a beer (him) and a glass of wine (her). They were happy. They sat for a while. The man turned, as the lady said “I love you. We have been together for so long. You have supported me through […]

Betty Beharell, my great-aunt, on her 100th birthday
Greatest Hits Uncategorized


So, my partner’s been admitted to hospital. Unexpectedly. He’ll be in there for somewhere between 2 and 4 weeks; they can’t be more precise, they have not much idea. Otherwise healthy as any other cycling-to-work, rowing-thrice-weekly, midlife-fit dude, he’s got a random thing happening with his facet joints in his lumbar spine, and only 42 […]


The magpie

I guess the magpie is the cause of yesterday’s morose mood, as witnessed by that previous post. Well, what’s left of it: a mangled pancake. Broken feathers. One of the joys of moving back inside a city, from living regionally, next to a beach, was the fact that I can walk to most places I […]


Hi ho, silver!

Just finished a chapter that was pretty slow going, because it feels very cheesy. Young. Maybe I should write for young adults. Hmmm. Anyway, clicked CTRL S. Checked word count. 25,000.On the nose. What are the odds?


The best-laid plans…

Yesterday, I cracked it. The 20,000 word mark. And a suspenseful, cracking chapter end, even if I do say so myself. It was the first day back writing, kids at school. Super energised to continue in the same mode for months AND MONTHS AND MONTHS… Today, I have my youngest home with me after we […]



The teen flick, sorry, novel, is done. Reviewed and dusted. Not quite the horror expected. Panic review published last weekend. Will post it soon. Back to school next week. Back to schedule. Back to actual writing. Until then, back to the washing.