The teen flick, sorry, novel, is done. Reviewed and dusted. Not quite the horror expected.
Panic review published last weekend. Will post it soon.
Back to school next week. Back to schedule. Back to actual writing. Until then, back to the washing.
A little like this
Untitle, less title
Too many months have passed without self-indulgent writing, with no wordy rambling save skinny scratchings in a work-related notebook and the occasional sentence plugged into my phone’s orangey notes. Someone has left a whole watermelon on my doorstep. The eyes have been scratched out of a massive poster of Wil Anderson up the […]
Teen music *not Beiber*
Last night, I met a charming young Scot, a relative of my partner. Flying back today, he mentioned disappointment in not being able to find more old Go Betweens albums on vinyl in the record stores he visited in Aus. He runs a monthly indie night back home and is a fan of these, as […]