The tabebuia is on its way out, sadly, but together with the wisteria, it has reliably heralded spring again. I’m making a little peace with Walter the turkey, but not much. I’ve thwarted his orchid-wrenching by repotting the ones he’s scattered in hanging baskets. His taste for heliconia roots is getting on my nerves, and […]
I guess the magpie is the cause of yesterday’s morose mood, as witnessed by that previous post. Well, what’s left of it: a mangled pancake. Broken feathers. One of the joys of moving back inside a city, from living regionally, next to a beach, was the fact that I can walk to most places I […]
I love clouds and roofs and trees. I once even had a blog called “roof porn”. (I guess it’s now part of that pile of dead data whizzing around our heads that will be exhumed by a future tech-archaeologist, if it’s not sizzled by an errant solar flare.) Keith Burt has painted my dream exhibition. […]