Oh, there are no photographs, as we were enjoying the moment far too much to bother recording. As usual. But here’s a recipe for a cocktail we created last weekend. Get invited to two of your dearest mates’ place for a kind of housewarming on a Saturday night. Go to the Yandina farmers’ markets […]
In the middle of this wet, wet, day, when I was meant to be writing, I finally got around to downloading some pics from my phone. Here are a couple from a quick road trip we took to Fraser Island at the end of last year. They’re a mix of Hipstamatic, Instagram, and plain […]
As I watch people whom I care deeply about flirt with conspiratorial cults, I believe I no longer have the luxury of ignoring ridiculous posts, or writing off those who share them as gullible or worse. Back in March, I wrote an essay on the need to understand how to analyse the source of information […]