A swim in the ocean, hours in an empty house glimmering ahead, kind and encouraging words in the response below… I am ready to work! So long, Internets. I shan’t pass this way again today.
A little like this
Untitle, less title
Too many months have passed without self-indulgent writing, with no wordy rambling save skinny scratchings in a work-related notebook and the occasional sentence plugged into my phone’s orangey notes. Someone has left a whole watermelon on my doorstep. The eyes have been scratched out of a massive poster of Wil Anderson up the […]
Writing update
If you’ve been following this blog for a few years (and hello to both of you!) you may remember I finished a novella draft over a year ago. And promptly hid the bugger in a drawer, sick of the sound of my own headspace. Well, I just gave it another edit, and still don’t like […]
Travel writing is a tough slog
Been working on a couple of speculative travel pieces following a lovely recent European break. I wrote one and I can’t think of any publication that would even consider picking it up, so here she is here: Monolithos.